Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Surrender to God

This is officially my first blog ever. I have always wanted to blog but never put forth the effort (or time). So...here goes. As most of those who are close to me know, I have recently had an experience with God that has given me a new desire and zeal to work for the Kingdom. Maybe I can (if wanted to) share about this at another time.

As I was praying today, the word surrender kept coming to mind. I initially pushed it off to the side (am I the only one that does this). As I have learned, especially in prayer, that when this happens it is usually God. So I asked God, "What are you saying about surrender?" He immediately spoke back in my spirit and said, "Son, surrender is not verbally giving your life to me. It is not giving me something that you really don't care about. Surrender is giving your hearts desires, those things you want for your life to me. It is giving me something that will cost you." Floored? Um...you better believe I was. I'm sure most of you holy folks that are in the lineage of Christ have already had this understanding. But, It was like fresh revelation to me!

Immediately after God speaking, I thought of General Stonewall Jackson (I guess because I heard a story about him earlier today. I also have no clue if he surrendered or not. I'm not that polished on my Civil War history). I believe him or any other military leader is not going to surrender to the opposing forces in the beginning. They're not gonna say, "Here you go buddy. It's all yours." That is ludicrous. They are going to fight tooth and nail until the very end. Until all the ammunition and supplies are depleted! Until the soldiers are impoverished! Why? Because their country means something to them. It's their life!

Am I saying you should fight God until the end? Certainly not! I am saying that we are not surrendering if we don't give those things that mean the most to God. Surrender is going to cost us something. Oh but friend, it will be well worth it. It's easy to stand in a service where God is moving, tears rolling off our cheeks, hands lifted to the King of King's saying, "I surrender to you, God!" But, are our actions (fruit) matching our declaration to God? Come next day or next week are we still surrendered to God? God wants our whole life so He can help guide us. But, He can not do this until we surrender to Him.

I like how Webster defines surrender-to GIVE oneself up into the POWER OF ANOTHER especially as a PRISONER! Wow...how amazing is this? Essentially, we GIVE ourselves up INTO THE POWER OF GOD especially as a PRISONER (empahsis added). Wow, wow, wow. You better believe I will surrender my life to God to have His power. Surrender simply gives us Gods power. Does this excite anyone like it does me? Also, a prisoner has someone tell them what to do, where to go, what to eat, etc. So, let me get this straight. We give God something that costs us and we get God's power PLUS He guides our lives. This is a 2 for 1 deal. Makes me want to shout! God is so good!

I am not saying that we should surrender and give up on our jobs or families. But I am saying that deep down in your heart, there is something that God is dealing with or has dealt with you about. That, friend, is what God is asking for. Not because He is a mean God, but because He has to have EVERYTHING in our lives for us to walk in His shadow of protection, healing, and blessings. I hope this encourages you as much as it does me. Surrender is not a verbal contract with God! It is a lifestyle to God!

Pastor Jamey

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