Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Can You "Snow" Me The Way?

After being cooped up inside for what seems like an eternity, I had an idea that I seemed to not be able to shake! Watch this video and I'll go a little deeper. Click here

I first became familiar with this song a few weeks ago and "wow" does not even explain the impact it has had on me! As seen, this song describes being the first one to step out and do something different for God! We should not be afraid and do something!

Yesterday, I was about to go crazy from sitting in the house so I had to get out. On the back roads in my area no one had driven on them. I backed out of the driveway and proceeded down the road at a very low rate of speed. "What was I doing," echoed in the back of my mind? "You can't see anything." "You are crazy," were the least of some the thoughts that shadowed through my mind. I was driving down snow covered road where I couldn't see anything. I looked like a completely level field of snow. I could not tell where the ditches were. I could not see the potholes or tile ends or anything! Not to mention it was very slick. "You could get stuck." "Just turn around and go back." "It's not worth it Jamey!" "You are such a moron!"

Oh, the power of our minds! That little thing that has kept so many from doing things for God's Kingdom! How many times have we stepped on the path that God has called us to, but ended up back on the couch, so to speak? We became discouraged or thought we were lost because we couldn't see the road. Or tell where the ditches were. Or the potholes. We had to go a little slower than we wanted and pay a whole lot more attention!

How many people have we missed reaching for God because we have been afraid to step out in the snow, into something we couldnt see?

Once I got to the main highway, someone else had already been down the road. I could drive a little faster and see a little better! Just because we feel alone on the "back roads" of life does not mean we will always be. If we can just make it to the "main highways," God will always place people in our lives to help us, push us, pray for us, and motivate us to stay on the path! God Bless!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

On Assignment

Has anyone ever had a scripture just jump out at you like never before? Right... how could I forget? I am probably talking to people who know how to dissect every passage of scripture. You know the Greek and Hebrew definitions. Even the hermeneutical or eschatological interpretations of a scripture when you read it. I am only kidding about the previous, but I had a particular passage jump out and slap me the other day.

What is the big verse, you may be asking? Well, here it is! -> http://read.ly/Deut31.8.AMP

Isn't this powerful? Our God goes before us to the assignment He has for us. Wow! I almost shouted when I read this! Moses is giving these words to Joshua after he is declaring him the leader over Israel. Joshua's assignment was to lead these people into the Promised Land.

I must ask. What is your assignment from heaven? We all, as followers of Christ, have the Acts 1:8 assignment, but what is your personal assignment? What is God calling YOU to do? Many times we receive our assignments and get so excited, yet we don't do anything to compliment our assignments from God. We CANNOT, I repeat CANNOT, wait for God to throw every opportunity in our lap. We have to be willing to fight, push, pray, and FAST. No one's assignment is easy, but it is achievable through God. The devil is out to get you off your course through fear, pain, temptations, and many more of his tactics (1st Peter 5:8). This is why we pray and fast. It is NOT meant for drudgery or "poor, pitiful me!" It is meant as an opportunity to align ourselves with the assignment God has us. Many have spent days, months, even years waiting on God! PLEASE, DO NOT BE ONE OF THOSE. Take these times of fasting and prayer as an opportunity to fulfill YOUR assignment!

Joshua did not just sit and wait on the Promised Land to come to him. He fought many fights- Jericho, Ai, the Gibeonites. I'm sure he had many headaches. Lost sleep. Wanted to sleep in instead of praying. I'm sure he got hungry. Rained on. Burned up from the heat. Bled a little. Sweated alot. Sore throats or an aching back! BUT, I'm sure if you could ask him, his response would be. "It was worth it!"

God is not calling us to do something impossible. Even though it may seem that way at times! Always remember...The Lord goes before you and He is with you! Stay strong! FINISH YOUR ASSIGNMENT!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Get to Walking!


Enoch was a man the Bible speaks very little about. However, I personally believe he is one of the most profound men in scripture. Enoch "walked" with God! He does not have a long list of accomplishments. He really isn't known for much of anything. Jude gives us the only insight to this great man. He prophesied of coming apostates. Enoch did not part the Red Sea, beat down a vile, filthy Philistine, or slaughter a mass crowd of Baal prophets on the mountain. He walked with God. The Only other mention of this fellow is in Hebrews 11, his testimony was that he walked with God.

How awesome is it that this man is simply known for walking with God? SO many times we try to be the best teacher, speaker, motivator, or preacher. Nothing is wrong with striving to be the best, however we CANNOT skip walking with God! This is the most vital aspect of any believers relationship with the Father! Walk with Him!

To develop a walk with God we MUST have a specific time and place that we meet with the Father EVERY day!! God is more worried about consistency with him than a sporadic follower. I believe wholeheartedly God had rather have someone who spends 30 minutes per day, 7 days a week, than one who spends 2 hours twice a week with Him. Find your time with God and let nothing severe that covenant with the King!