Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Can You "Snow" Me The Way?

After being cooped up inside for what seems like an eternity, I had an idea that I seemed to not be able to shake! Watch this video and I'll go a little deeper. Click here

I first became familiar with this song a few weeks ago and "wow" does not even explain the impact it has had on me! As seen, this song describes being the first one to step out and do something different for God! We should not be afraid and do something!

Yesterday, I was about to go crazy from sitting in the house so I had to get out. On the back roads in my area no one had driven on them. I backed out of the driveway and proceeded down the road at a very low rate of speed. "What was I doing," echoed in the back of my mind? "You can't see anything." "You are crazy," were the least of some the thoughts that shadowed through my mind. I was driving down snow covered road where I couldn't see anything. I looked like a completely level field of snow. I could not tell where the ditches were. I could not see the potholes or tile ends or anything! Not to mention it was very slick. "You could get stuck." "Just turn around and go back." "It's not worth it Jamey!" "You are such a moron!"

Oh, the power of our minds! That little thing that has kept so many from doing things for God's Kingdom! How many times have we stepped on the path that God has called us to, but ended up back on the couch, so to speak? We became discouraged or thought we were lost because we couldn't see the road. Or tell where the ditches were. Or the potholes. We had to go a little slower than we wanted and pay a whole lot more attention!

How many people have we missed reaching for God because we have been afraid to step out in the snow, into something we couldnt see?

Once I got to the main highway, someone else had already been down the road. I could drive a little faster and see a little better! Just because we feel alone on the "back roads" of life does not mean we will always be. If we can just make it to the "main highways," God will always place people in our lives to help us, push us, pray for us, and motivate us to stay on the path! God Bless!


  1. Going out onto the uncharted path where we can't even see the road we are traveling on or even where we are going is so hard for me, especially lately. I graduate in May and I have no idea right now where I'm going to end up after I graduate. But, the Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and that's what I believe we have to stick to. I don't believe God shows us the entire path because we would try to get to the end of the path at our own pace but that's not God's timing. God guides our each and every step on these paths we cannot see and he will guide us with the right step every day as long as we stay in close communion with him daily.

  2. That is very true Jo! I like the verse about our steps being ordered. God already has it planned out and is waiting for us to move! Like you said, we have to stay in very close DAILY communion!

  3. Such a great encouragement to keep going, knowing that in the midst of difficult circumstances God is still with you. "...joy comes in the morning"
